Who Will Google Buy Next?

You decide. (Or see what Slashdot has to say). This is a thread at Kuro5hin, a tech/culture site. It also gives an overview of companies Google has already purchased, and speculation on companies Google might buy (Koders, T'rati, Answers…most of them you've read about here….) BTW, who will buy…

You decide. (Or see what Slashdot has to say).

This is a thread at Kuro5hin, a tech/culture site. It also gives an overview of companies Google has already purchased, and speculation on companies Google might buy (Koders, T’rati, Answers…most of them you’ve read about here….)

BTW, who will buy MySpace?

3 thoughts on “Who Will Google Buy Next?”

  1. Given that Google doesn’t use Microsoft IIS Web servers, and the fact that MySpace has the worst back-end technical infrastructure in part because of its IIS usage, I don’t see Google even wanting to enter talks with MySpace.

    Were Google to get serious with the social networking space, they’d pick up LinkedIn or if they’re feeling “froogle” (pun intended!), they’ll take Zero Degrees off of IAC/InterActiveCorp’s hands which it is reportedly considering unloading.

    Yahoo! won’t make another social networking buy, except for maybe del.icio.us.

    AOL isn’t looking, but if it were, Tribe.net seems like it could be most appealing for them.

    The only possible buyer is MSN, which would buy the userbase and convert them into the MSN Spaces platform but under the MySpace branding, which is uber-popular.

    Most likely: profitable MySpace pursues IPO.


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