4 thoughts on “Hello, SF”

  1. Thank you John-

    This has been a major point of contention with
    me for some time. Facebook intends for us to have the Twinkies version
    of content, and ‘live’ on Facebook with fake websites designed and
    controlled by them. Not only do they capitalize and use our connections for higher valuations and to sell us stuff, they can confiscate it all at any time. To get any of our own connections into a system that is truly usable by us, we have to ‘scrape’ data…. this is an painful as it sounds. It’s the ultimate ‘parenting’ app.

    I am in the process of organizing my personal domain (after bailing
    it out of redemption like some teenager in juvie), along with my book
    domain and the consulting domain. It’s still a mess but the next three
    weeks will organize them I believe.

    Content is still king/queen for real humans who enjoy information and connecting the dots. This other stuff is like sugar, and will have the same crash and burn effect with missed connections.

    I know I will look forward to your authentic blog.

    Kind regards,


    1. Thanks Zoe, glad to see people taking action. Now we need developers to help us do it easier.

  2. Hey, RSS reader here. If each of your photos will have their own post on your blog, it’ll kind of screw up the pseudo-newspaper which is Google Reader for me. Is there any way you could put stuff in certain categories that I can subscribe to or something? Or maybe you already do that I’m not sure. Not that i mind seeing your photos really, its just that your “column” in my “newspaper” has always just been thoughtful comments on the tech world rather than photo posts. I feel for what you’re trying to do though. I think it’ll probably just be difficult for you to elegantly replicate the functionality of a photo storage solution on a blogging platform. But I can’t think of a “Picasa for my personal server” solution out there. Hmm…

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