Hitler Is Pissed About Google+

Just saw this hilarious Hitler video. If you know the genre and have been reading about Google+, then you know everything you need to know to enjoy this.

(By the way, someone told me about this, so I searched for it on Google. And all I got was Google+ results, not the actual video, even though I searched for it by name. Therein lies the problem, Google).

17 thoughts on “Hitler Is Pissed About Google+”

      1. The YouTube vid is the first organic search result for me, even with SPYW activated, right below a Google News result onebox. 

  1. You can also prepend “Youtube” to your search query to get the actual video as the first result. 

    So “Youtube Hitler Hears about Google Plus Your World”

    Same thing works with the “@wwe” query that Twitter tried to convince the blogosphere was damning evidence… just search for “twitter wwe”, which I hope/assume is what most folks would think to do.

  2. nope, it’s on the top of my results as well. it was probably too fresh when you searched for it for google to find… 

  3. nope, it’s on the top of my results as well. it was probably too fresh when you searched for it for google to find… 

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