Page on IPO at TED

I've been traveling, so forgive my tardiness on some postings. I'm briefly in NYC for a day or so of the SES show, and also some other meetings. Meantime, some good stuff here and there. First, Larry Page has some comments on the Google IPO craze in a Reuters story…

bigipoI’ve been traveling, so forgive my tardiness on some postings. I’m briefly in NYC for a day or so of the SES show, and also some other meetings.

Meantime, some good stuff here and there. First, Larry Page has some comments on the Google IPO craze in a Reuters story here.

The story was filed from the TED show in Monterey, one of the few places reporters can get access to folks like Larry in a relatively relaxed environment.

(Page said) he was “dismayed” by the amount of conjecture being reported as fact.

“We’ve made no statements about an IPO,” said Page, who along with Sergei Brin founded Google in 1998. (Note: Not really true. At the SES show last August Sergey in fact admitted the IPO would most likley happen at some point in the future…)

“I have been a bit dismayed at the level of speculation that has been reported as fact. It’s pretty amazing the stage we’re at… Even when we don’t do anything in some area, people make stuff up,” Page told Reuters at a technology conference in Monterey, California.

Page also pointed toward new applications for Google’s service:

“On the more exciting front, you can imagine your brain being augmented by Google. For example you think about something and your cellphone could whisper the answer into your ear,” he said.

3 thoughts on “Page on IPO at TED”

  1. Schmidt was quoted saying “An IPO is not on my agenda right now.” at the end of January in the London Times. See,,8209-981296,00.html

    “Greenspan comment”? Loose lips? Bad reporting? Truth? Who knows.

    The level of interest in this subject is worrisome — it is bubble thinking. The state of the tech economy should not depend on Google’s IPO. It shouldn’t be important to anybody except the investment bankers who are salivating at the prospect of the giant fees, and the Google employees who stand to become instant millionaires.

    What was most interesting in what I heard from Schmidt Friday, and what seems to get lost, is that the internet and the information economy is booming by any measure you choose to use.

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