Google News Outta Beta

Well, it's finally happened. It's only been four and a half years, but Google News is out of beta. They have new personalization widgets (see Greg's take here), and some other features like story history and feeds….

Well, it’s finally happened. It’s only been four and a half years, but Google News is out of beta. They have new personalization widgets (see Greg’s take here), and some other features like story history and feeds.

2 thoughts on “Google News Outta Beta”

  1. Now the big question is: when will Google integrate Adwords / Adsense to monetize the heavy traffic?

    My guess is that it will happen pretty soon in a shared revenue mode: I guess that Google will share in the same way that they announces for Google Print / Books “….and your books will also earn revenue from contextual advertising – even if they are out of print…”


    Would you agree with me on this bet?


  2. It seems that international versions did not follow (at least not Brazilian’s )

    Anyway, it is good to see things going out of beta in Google – with GMail beta, Orkut beta, Froogle beta and so on, the “beta” word gets a bit overused around Googleland…

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