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The (News) Web Gets a Time Axis (Sort of)

TGoogle News Timeline.pnghrough its experimental Google Labs, Google has released a news time line. I remember asking Eric for this in 2002, so it’s cool to see it actually happen (clearly, it wasn’t top of the priority list seven years ago.)

Google’s own description:

Google News Timeline is a web application that organizes search results chronologically. It allows users to view news and other data sources on a browsable, graphical timeline. Available data sources include recent and historical news, scanned newspapers and magazines, blog posts, sports scores, and information about various types of media, like music albums and movies

My own description: I don’t get it. I wish I did, but this is a half step, like so many fine features out of Google. It doesn’t grab me, and compel me to use it in a way that delights. I so wish they had real publishers working there, because damn, there’s so much that might be done if Google had a true publishing mission. But then, this is my age old complaint, and I’m sounding like a real crank now.

A reminder for newer readers: I’ve been talking about the Web Time Axis for a long time now…

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