Conversational Ads

Cisco is trying something new in an ad campaign – they came up with a Wikia (the commercial version of Wikipedia) definition of "The Human Network", the catchline to their current campaign, and asked a bunch of authors to pen their own definitions. They also purchased advertising on those…

Cisco is trying something new in an ad campaign – they came up with a Wikia (the commercial version of Wikipedia) definition of “The Human Network“, the catchline to their current campaign, and asked a bunch of authors to pen their own definitions. They also purchased advertising on those authors’ sites. This was done in collaboration with FM, and I think it’s a neat spin on what folks like Snap and Symantec have done. I contributed my own definition here. Obscure Jesuit priests? Yep, I did edit that piece in Wired so long ago….

(and thanks to
Louis Rossetto for the inspiration!)

2 thoughts on “Conversational Ads”

  1. So this seems to be set up by FM and hosted on your servers, if I am correct, veruses FM just arranging the ads in the right blogs. This seems to be an extension of FM’s role so far, as I think Snap did it themselves. Though it does appear that the wiki is in their control, not through FM.

    I for one would like to comment on the page, not have to go their blog, where at least to me it was very hard to know where exactly to “comment or offer up a better definition? Talk back to the author.” I did not see where to do this on the various sites. Seems better to just link to their sites, or if you invite people to participate, better to have a clear place where one is welcomed to do so on their site, rather than have to look around wondering, “Where is it I talk back to them or add my comment on this?” Maybe I just missed it. Just my 2 cents.

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