round up

Finding pictures in Picasa Google acquires Neven Vision, a mobile photo search company, to bolster Picasa. Though there aren't any special features to show off yet, Google says "one day" image search could be "as complex as recognizing people, places, and objects." Blinkx becomes a studybuddy Blinkx moves its…

Finding pictures in Picasa

Google acquires Neven Vision, a mobile photo search company, to bolster Picasa. Though there aren’t any special features to show off yet, Google says “one day” image search could be “as complex as recognizing people, places, and objects.”

Blinkx becomes a studybuddy

Blinkx moves its business model towards direct-paid services. In a recent partnership with AOL, Blinkx will provide an education-focused subset of its index to Blinkx founder and CTO said, “You are going to see us do more of these kinds of deals where we power video search on other sites and either get paid for it or share in the ad revenue that’s generated by it.”


Dapper unveils a new service that gauges blog popularity. Blotter graphs link stats over time based on Technorati data.

Exalead: preview of new beta

ResourceShelf summaries the key features. Try it for yourself here (pw: beta).

3 thoughts on “round up”

  1. My only gripe with Dapper/Blotter is that I have to put the javascript code onto the blog template – but that’s not that easy for me to do with, or as I author the first two blogs and write for the third, but don’t control the blog templates of either.

  2. This can also be used as a private Web Service – just add any blog or technorati-listed URL at the end of the main URL parameter …AND PRESTO!
    You can customize the results with more parameters.
    You can save this to Favorites or even make a Homepage

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