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Google Making Marketing Push?

Some speculation here and there that Google is revving up to start a major marketing push. This seemed more like wishful thinking to me – Ad Age (print only) was the source, and lord knows the advertising world would luuuuv to slurp up some of Google’s lucre via some splashy 30 second spots. But it seemed totally off base to me, so I lobbed a call into some folks I know over at Google, and they confirm, this report is off base. Yes, Google talks to agencies now and again, and yes they use them for relatively minor stuff like placing B2B stuff in support of AdSense and the like, but no, there is no major review for a branding campaign.

I mean, think about it. Google makes its hay with pure ROI advertising. Google, spending on brand advertising, in TV and print? Don’t make no sense.

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