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Rich Skrenta, no stranger to long time readers of this site, is starting a search site. He’s calling it Blekko (for now, the pic is what you see on the site at present).

This should be interesting. From his post:

The web is big. Really, really big. It’s literally billions and billions of pages. It’s Carl Sagan big. And it’s doubling in size every year or two.

So the idea that what you can see in positions 1-3 above the fold on Google are the sum of what the web has to say about every possible query is crazy.

And yet they have 85%+ market share, and little effective competition. At the same time there is such a fabulous business in search. It’s the highest monetization service on the web, by far. Why does this Coke have no Pepsi?

Having just spent 5 years in the media space, I’ve come away with the idea that editorial differentiation is possible. But the editorial voice of a search engine is in the index…so it has to be algorithmic editorial differentiation.

This is the man who has written that PageRank wrecked the web, and that Google is going down. Rich is a serious guy, however, and I’ve emailed him asking for a quick interview.

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