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Patriot Update: Gee, Guys, You Can’t DO That!

Yes, I write from time to time about how I’m deeply skeptical of the US Executive Branch’s current trend toward monarchical power for the Presidency, and in particular, I have written many times about how I am no fan of the PATRIOT Act. Danny does the reporting on good news:

A US district court judge has ruled that it is unconstitutional for the US government to send secret letters demanding search records from search engines. A provision of the Patriot Act has allowed for such letters to be sent to search engines, ISPs and others by the Federal Bureau Of Investigation — and made it illegal for companies getting such FBI demands to even reveal the requests at all in general. Today’s ruling found that violated free speech rights.

Previously on Searchblog on this topic.

Update: Oh, and by the way, if you think our government never overreaches when given too much power without enough oversight, read this.

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