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Google Phone-y

(image from the Telegraph) I just do not believe Google is going to get into the hardware business with phones. Service, apps, platform, sure. But a phone? I don’t believe it.

But if you read the press, it seems Google has already decided to go for it. Read this lead and headline in the Telegraph:

Google to unveil phone of its own by next year

By Sophie Freeman

Last Updated: 2:29am BST 04/08/2007

Google is hoping to launch a mobile phone early next year that allows users to surf the internet on the move.

Er….the company is hoping? What the hell kind of journalism is this? What sourcing does the paper have? None, it turns out. Buried in story is this gem:

The company refused to confirm any plans for the phone.

I dislike this kind of speculative journalism. It’s just hype. Phoney.

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