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Wow. A Reason to Think About Hillary

I have to admit, I’m skeptical about Hillary as a presidential candidate. Why? Well, she kind of rubs me the wrong way, and I’m eager to have a Democrat in office, and I fear that the bad guys (ie Rove) will make mincemeat of her when it comes time to really get down to brass tacks.

But while at Davos I had dinner with a good friend of hers (I can’t name names as I don’t have permission to do so), and she encouraged me to be open minded. OK, I’ll be open minded. So then, I saw this. The original Wired News story:

The issue of digital-era privacy did not make it to the top of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s legislative to-do list at the Saturday launch of her presidential campaign. But for those who look, the New York Democrat has clearly staked out her positions on the esoteric subject, and they’re sending electronic civil libertarians’ hearts a twitter.

Clinton, the presidential front-runner among Democrats in way-early polling, addressed electronic privacy issues at a constitutional law conference in Washington, D.C. last June. There she unveiled a proposed “Privacy Bill of Rights” that would, among other things, give Americans the right to know what’s being done with their personal information, and offer consumers an unprecedented level of control over how that data is used.

Now, those of you who keep track of my rants, know that this is a big issue for me. Huh. I’m listening now…

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