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Google! Terrorism! Iraq! It’s a Trifecta!

Terror Rats Go Google” screams the NY Post. My God, they’re using Google Earth to figure out where the British bases are!

The Telegraph has the measured story. The images are clearly old, but then again, who knows if “coalition forces” have moved anything around in the past few years. They might be totally accurate outlines of how things are in the British bases. It’s amazing to think that no one figured on Google Earth being used by terrorists, and at least asked Google to help out. I mean, that’s kind of what intelligence agencies are supposed to do, no?

A Google spokesman in the piece:

A Google spokesman said the information could be used for “good and bad” and was available to the public in many forms. “Of course we are always ready to listen to governments’ requests,” he said.

“We have opened channels with the military in Iraq but we are not prepared to discuss what we have discussed with them. But we do listen and we are sensitive to requests.”

Just now, they’ve opened channels? Just now, thanks to a raid, the folks running army intelligence realized that Google Earth exists?

Lord, help us.

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