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Help Us Find The Companies That Will Launch at Web 2.0 2006

Last year marked the debut of a new feature at the Web 2.0 Conference, an event I have chaired since its inception in 2004. Called the Launch Pad, it highlighted a baker’s dozen of companies that either launched a major new service, or their entire company, at the annual Fall event.

Earlier this year we announced the opening of the submission process for the 2006 event. And just like last year, I ask for your help (last year more than 50 submission streamed in after my post). But unlike last year, this year I am getting some help. Instead of me making all the decisions, this year I’ve recruited a stellar group of Launch Pad advisors, who will be helping me find the next group of companies to launch this November. The Launch Pad Advisory Board is comprised of:

Jim Bankoff, AOL

Ross Levinsohn, Fox Interactive

Megan Smith, Google

Shana Fisher, IAC

Allen Morgan, Mayfield

Bryce Roberts/Marc Jacobsen, O’Reilly Ventures

Chris Albinson/Mike Jung, Panorama Capital

Michael Hirshland, Polaris

Mike Arrington, Techcrunch

Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures

Bradley Horowitz, Yahoo

Jim Lussier, Norwest Venture Partners

I’m honored to have such an august group of folks helping us find the best companies to highlight at Web 2 this year. Some of the members are venture capital partners (partners of mine in FM, or at O’Reilly, or pals), others are responsible for charting the M&A strategies for the major platform companies, and still others (like Mike Arrington and I) are entrepreneurs and publishers. All are very experienced at grokking a new company’s potential.

We’re in the final stages of reviewing submissions (more than 100 have already come in), and I’d like to ask all of you to help us. If you or someone (or someone you know) are running a company that might want to launch a major product or service this November, please let us know!

Update: Submissions for the Launch Pad will close August 28!

Full disclosure: There is a fee if you are chosen, but we’ve kept it commensurate with the costs of producing the Launch Pad session. There is no fee to enter!

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