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Web 2 Conference, Version 3.0 Is Open For Registration

Searchblog readers pretty much made Web 2.0 what it is, at least for me….you came and supported the ideas, speakers, and companies, and you joined a conversation that I find one of most stimulating in the industry.

This year promises to be our best yet, and I know that sounds, well, predictable. But so many forces are coming together, and there’s so much to talk about, it can’t help but be one hell of a dialog.

Today the site is open for registration. If you’ve been before, or were on the original invite list from last year, you’ve already gotten your invite. If you didn’t get one, or have changed your email, or just want to come for the first time, head here and request an invite, and tell them you came from Searchblog when you do (there’s a place to do that).

In the next few months I’ll be asking all of you for input on speakers, topics, and Launchpad companies (submit yours here!), just as I did last year. So far, we’ve signed up a pretty good group of initial speakers, including Jeff Bezos, Eric Kleptone, Jon Miller, Mark Zuckerberg, Arthur Sulzberger, and many more.

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