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SEW Review

A few weeks ago I was “quoted” by the Onion in a spoof on Google, and I thought that pretty much capped my entire career as an observer of the internet world. But today I was reading through my emails as I was awaiting my turn on yet another radio show, and up popped Search Engine Watch’s daily email. “Search as the Great New Game” was the title, which sounded interesting, so I pulled it up.

I was stunned to see that it was Chris Sherman’s review of my book, and not only that, he really liked it. And Danny also filed a blog post which had really kind things to say as well (and a few corrections and disagreements, which I will get about addressing in the next edition).

Now I can truly say that my work was worth it. I’m deeply honored. Thanks, Chris, Danny, and Gary, it means the world to me, it truly does.

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