Signal From Noise

Media and Marketing stories that interest me today: Kindle Will Get App Store (NYT) – I've been on about this for a while now, and finally, it seems Amazon is getting a clue. I'm guessing the impending launch of the iTablet, which certainly will have an app store (like the…

Media and Marketing stories that interest me today:

Kindle Will Get App Store (NYT) – I’ve been on about this for a while now, and finally, it seems Amazon is getting a clue. I’m guessing the impending launch of the iTablet, which certainly will have an app store (like the iPhone does), is pushing Amazon to open its doors to developers. About time. For marketers, this ideally will become a new channel into which you can extend your app-based platform ecosystem, assuming you do it in a way that adds value.

A Twitter Tracker for Jersey Shore (clickz) – What, Battelle likes Jersey Shore? Not really (though I have watched, astounded on so many levels). What I think is worth pointing out is the concept of Twitter tracking in general. Curating and adding value to conversations around brands is a skill all marketers must have going forward. Witness the first (and one of the best, I’ll submit humbly), Exectweets, and one of FM’s latest, Amex Open’s Pulse.

The Top 10 Fastest Growing Sites on Web, 2009 (Comscore) – I’m proud to say FM is one of them. Others of interest: Kodak (!), Nintendo, UPS, Hallmark. Interesting that several of them are brands, not media properties.

Rock Band Opening Up (Mashable) – It’s not quite what I predicted earlier this month, but there’s 11 months to go and this is a step in the right direction.

Report: Kids and Their Screens (Kaiser Foundation) – It’s worse (and better) than you thought. “Today, 8-18 year-olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes (7:38) to using entertainment media across a typical day (more than 53 hours a week). And because they spend so much of that time ‘media multitasking’ (using more than one medium at a time), they actually manage to pack a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes (10:45) worth of media content into those 7½ hours.”

One thought on “Signal From Noise”

  1. I find it fascinating to see trend from twitter. I just put together a simple test to track Travel related tweets and check for what cities they were. You can see it there it’s pretty basic but you see the mention a city name gets for the last hour, day, week and month.

    It’s only been running for about 3 days, but I already saw 3 news break on tweeter with it.

    Pittsburgh : 53 orphan from Haiti landed.
    Munich : A laptop tested positive for explosive and the laptop owner fled.
    Burbank : 2 planes hit by lightning while in there landing procedure.

    Now if can only find something useful to do with it… suggestions welcome.

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