4000 Posts

Three posts ago, this blog crossed 4000 entries. It makes sense it'd happen this week, four years after this site launched nearly to the date. It seems my average has been about 1000 posts a year. Wow. It's been quite a trip so far. Four years ago, I had…

First Sblog

Three posts ago, this blog crossed 4000 entries. It makes sense it’d happen this week, four years after this site launched nearly to the date. It seems my average has been about 1000 posts a year. Wow.

It’s been quite a trip so far. Four years ago, I had no idea what I was doing with my life. The Standard was two years dead, I was working on a book that terrified me, and I had some ideas – for a new conference, and for a business that might support full time independent media guys like myself.

Four years later, I hear rumbling the Standard is going to relaunch, The Search is in 26 languages (and still a bestseller, two years after, in a couple categories on Barnes and Noble!), Web 2 is in its fourth year with six conferences in three countries, and my dream of supporting independent authors has turned into FM, which turns profitable this month on a eight figure revenue run rate with 140 amazing authors and more than 41 million worldwide uniques.

I honestly can’t comprehend how this all happened – save that I and several teams of amazing people have worked very, very hard these past four years. But I am sure it never would have without this site, and you as supporters, critics, and sounding boards. It’s an honor to be here still, hacking away.

And if I have one goal for the next four years, it’s that I can get back to writing out loud here, and feeding this site and the conversation it sparks more thoughtfully than I have been recently.

I hope you’ll continue to come along for the journey.

Thank you.

15 thoughts on “4000 Posts”

  1. Yes, a big congrats for materializing your vision into a successful reality….and for the great posts. I’ve always enjoyed reading your blog. How will you raise the bar over the next four years? 🙂

  2. Yes, congratulations!

    Oh, the sweet smell of success! 😀

    If you raise the bar just a little more, then the other 6.95 billion people should have no problem walking right on in (*underneath*)….

    ;P nmw

  3. You can see parallels between your success and the success of Techcrunch.

    But just look at how many – up from nothing – success stories there have been in the past four years (probably none can comprehend how it all happened):

    Huffington Post

  4. hi john, its my pleasure congratulating you for your wonderful work and its success. its really a hard and tough work of completing 4000 posts in 4 years i.e., 1000 posts per year. amazing, you have done it and had that great success.

  5. One of my goals over the next few years is to make sure you don’t have time to write on this site. 🙂

    It’s been a pleasure!

  6. Congratulations. A long time ago, you taught me how to deal with mudsharks. I have been keeping an eye on your career ever since. Is it true that success is best when it’s hard won?

  7. Congrats!! Loved the book and look forward to a sequel… The Database of Intentions continued (maybe one chapter per on-Island session?)? Crazy to think what a difference four years make in the digital age.

  8. Hey, John,

    I’m wondering if maybe you could change the indivdual comment link texts in the left-hand column — now they read “go”, but perhaps you could have it coded such that each link text would be the post number (e.g. 4001, 4002, 4004, 0087, etc. 😉

    That would be neat-o — I bet pretty soon we’d start naming threads by their sequential numbers….

    ;D nme

  9. How could one rank Google in terms of the world’s largest Advertising firms? Ad. Age lists Dentsu as being the world’s largest ad. firm, but Google’s earnings (mainly from Ad sales) are 5 times higher, (10.6 billion in 2006,) yet it is not classified as an ad agency…could anyone help?

    Thank you.

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