Google Earth and Search

O'Reilly's Radar has two posts on Google's integration of search into Google Earth, the first explains it, the second points to a Directions Magazine interview with the CTO of Google Earth (did you know there was a CTO of Google Earth?!). This is the first inclusion of Google's web…


O’Reilly’s Radar has two posts on Google’s integration of search into Google Earth, the first explains it, the second points to a Directions Magazine interview with the CTO of Google Earth (did you know there was a CTO of Google Earth?!).

This is the first inclusion of Google’s web crawl in Google Earth. It has had Local search for a while, but that comes from a seperate index. I think that this is just the beginning of different search types to be included in Google Earth. I don’t see any reason why Google wouldn’t continue to add geocoded content as layers. In the future I think that we can expect blogs, Orkut networks, geo-referenced websites (time to start using microformats!), and books (it has already added a geo-oreinted view to book search – example).

What would the goal be of adding more search types? Well for one this would continue to improve the product; search is powerful. Second, search can lead to ads which may lead to monetization of Google Earth

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