How To Win in China

Google Blogoscoped notes the difference between Wikipedia, which is blocked in China (save some Chinese pages) and the new competitor from Baidu, which is monitored by the government, and, Philipp says, most likely to grow market share, just as Baidu's main service has. If Google or others want to…


Google Blogoscoped notes the difference between Wikipedia, which is blocked in China (save some Chinese pages) and the new competitor from Baidu, which is monitored by the government, and, Philipp says, most likely to grow market share, just as Baidu’s main service has. If Google or others want to beat Baidu in China, they’ll have to join them more vigorously, it seems.

5 thoughts on “How To Win in China”

  1. Not really. Google can sue Chinse government for violating China’s consitution which protect Chinese citizen’s free access to information.

  2. Below is Chinese Constitution, which clearly states Chinese citizens have freedom of speach. We don’t welcome foreign goverment’s interferance, like what America did in Iraq. US’s involvement in Iraq is clearly against the principle of democracy and freedom. But as a company operating in China and having to abide by China’s law, google should stick to Chinese Constitution. Baidu is an evil company. We refuse to use Baidu. If international companies in the west failed to do so, please don’t accuse Chinese govement’s abuse of human rights either. It would sound hypocrite. If you really want to help, this is the way you can help. We don’t need your money, like what Bono tries to do.

  3. Google lost public trust. Now I have to think where to store my personal data. How can I trust google if their “Do no evil” is a compromised one? I cannot trust google anymore unless they change their position quickly. They might just peek into your data if they want. Who can I trust?

  4. If google can do so and finally win, it is going to be the biggest thing in China’s entire history. Even if google didn’t win, the Chinese normal mass will still be educated.

    We already throw away Yahoo China. If google can prove a difference, baidu will also be thrown away.

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