Google As Napoleon

Remember when I posted about that Haas School of Business Study that I was interviewed for? Well, the Economist has read it now, and has an article keyed off both the study and the recent Google/MTV/MySpace deals here. The piece compares Google with Napoleon. Really….

EcongoogRemember when I posted about that Haas School of Business Study that I was interviewed for? Well, the Economist has read it now, and has an article keyed off both the study and the recent Google/MTV/MySpace deals here. The piece compares Google with Napoleon. Really.

7 thoughts on “Google As Napoleon”

  1. Maybe it is a bit far sought, but the situations certainly have some similarities. I agree with mr.Saffo that a merger is not the solution.

  2. Napoleon became a legend because Clausewitz distilled his strategies into book form. Looks like you will have to do a new book on those Google guys.

    I did an article comparing most businesses to the cast of “Weird Science” but I haven’t gotten any phone calls from The Economist about that. Go figure.


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