RSS Tools

Since my column came out a lot of folks asking me which aggregators to use and the like. I'm not an RSS expert and to make matters worse, I use a Mac (hence I suffer PC blindness), but here's a link to a list of RSS tools, thanks to the…

Since my column came out a lot of folks asking me which aggregators to use and the like. I’m not an RSS expert and to make matters worse, I use a Mac (hence I suffer PC blindness), but here’s a link to a list of RSS tools, thanks to the RSS Winterfest online conference and Socialtext.

6 thoughts on “RSS Tools”

  1. Doh!
    “Software error:
    Cookies Required at /var/www/socialtext-1.0/code/eventspace/lib/ line 58.”

    John- would you mind cutting and pasting the urls into your blog instead of just the link?


    Gen in Tokyo

  2. I have tried four or five free aggregators on Windows and decided to go with SharpReader (

    The upside is that SharpReader is a true aggregator, not just an RSS feed import utility. You pull the feeds, and then sort them by folders, and by clicking on the folder name, you can read the latest stuff from all the feeds within that folder.

    The downside is somewhat huge memory requirements once you start accumulating those daily feeds. It’s typical for my SharpReader to use up 200-300 MB of available RAM when pulling the RSS feeds off the server.

  3. The link in your post is password-protected. FWIW, I have been using Bloglines (, a web-based feed agregator. The advantage is that you can access it from multiple computers, without the worry of aggregators on multiple home/work/whatever computers being out of sync with each other.

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