Blog 2.0 Realized

If ever there was a better realization of what I meant when I wrote about "a new kind of blog publishing", I don't know where to find it. This post, series, and site is exactly what I meant. Sure, I've known about The Hype Machine for some time, but…


If ever there was a better realization of what I meant when I wrote about “a new kind of blog publishing“, I don’t know where to find it. This post, series, and site is exactly what I meant. Sure, I’ve known about The Hype Machine for some time, but this series is a publishing masterpiece, part authorial intent, part crowdsourcing, and part the confluence of great tools, platforms, models, and policies (you can play the music! you can buy the music!).

The top 50 albums of the year. Check it out.

4 thoughts on “Blog 2.0 Realized”

  1. I wonder, does The Hype Machine site really fit the classification of being a “blog”? I mean, at first blush, it is so visually intensive – and requires some dedicated “right brain” processing. Blogs, traditionally tend to be more word driven than picture driven, and demand a more linear kind of processing. That, I believe is a left hemisphere function for about 80% of us. One thing for sure: I like the way it communicates.

  2. You’re not kidding John. That is a serious blog post. They deserve an award. Well, the affiliate sales they make from the post might be enough of an award. Nice Job, Hype Machine.

  3. I think it’s a great idea – simple but it works and provides such value to the audience.

    LastFM have done a similar thing which i think is very interesting as well. Not as edgy as hypem but still reflective of their audience.

  4. that thing had me addicted for a whole week. i’ve got a mac mini connected to a large plasma display and a good audio system in our home and we just went from record to record and literally read and listened to most every record we didn’t already have. it was a blast and we also bought ten new records last week on amazon and emusic. that’s the web at its best in so many ways.

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