Did You Used to Work at Google? Laid Off?

I am not so sure about articles like this one, which claim Google is quietly laying off 10,000 workers (all contract but still full time), but has not a single direct source. If this is true, why, ping me here or in email. If 10K of you are "afffected"…

I am not so sure about articles like this one, which claim Google is quietly laying off 10,000 workers (all contract but still full time), but has not a single direct source. If this is true, why, ping me here or in email. If 10K of you are “afffected” I am sure one of you can drop a dime.

Update: A few very interesting emails have come in, I will post them when I confirm they are real, meanwhile, you can reach me here. Email addresses are always kept in confidence.

4 thoughts on “Did You Used to Work at Google? Laid Off?”

  1. I wish bloggers would finally agree to use GMT (world time or whatever) all this mental math nonsense is so web -4…

    Anyways: this will surely become a fiasco? Google Sweatshops?!?

    OMG — LOL… Don’t Be Employed?!?

    ;P nmw

  2. I’m wondering if we’re going to see any follow up on this from you John. Looks like this headline hit the main-mainstream today.

    I understand that cutting employees is a horrible thing, and I’m sensitive to the people affected, however I look at this as a ‘Google thought this through and prepared by hiring contracted employees’. Do you think this might actually help focus the company, and rein them in a bit?

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