Comscore April Numbers

Ben Schachter of UBS provided me with an analysis of Comscore's April numbers. Now, we all know that there are issues with any panel based study, but the big guys are pretty apples to apples. It's very interesting to see how three of the top ten are really newcomers…

Ben Schachter of UBS provided me with an analysis of Comscore’s April numbers. Now, we all know that there are issues with any panel based study, but the big guys are pretty apples to apples. It’s very interesting to see how three of the top ten are really newcomers in the past few years – Myspace, Facebook, and Craigslist (not new, but new to the big leagues). The analysis is not available on the web, so if you want it, I’ve loaded it up here.

From the summary:

Top Ten Sites (Page Views)

1) Yahoo!, 2) MYSPACE.COM, 3) MSN-Microsoft, 4) Time Warner Network, 5)

eBay, 6) Google, 7) FACEBOOK.COM, 8) Viacom Online, 9) Craigslist, and 10)

Comcast. Our tracking index of the top 100 sites by page views was up 7% m/m.

Top Ten Sites (Unique Visitors)

1) Yahoo!, 2) MSN-Microsoft, 3) Time Warner Network, 4) Google Sites, 5)

eBay, 6) Ask Jeeves, 7) Amazon, 8) MYSPACE.COM, 9) New York Times

Digital, 10) and Verizon Communications.

Key Points

We note that Craigslist, MySpace, and Facebook continued to grow. These three

sites average double the average page views of the next closest site.

4 thoughts on “Comscore April Numbers”

  1. Thanks for sharing that John, very interesting. I would not have pegged the broadband companies so high on the traffic list, but I guess an awful lot of people leave the default homepage to whatever it’s set to. (That also further proves the value to Google of their partnership with Dell. Ship as the default homepage, and they will use you…)

  2. I’d be curious just what is included when it says, for example, Viacom Online or Time Warner Network. Is this a single website, or a large group of various, slightly-related websites (i.e. does this include (Viacom) and (Time Warner) or am I mistaken)?

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