I Knew It Was All About the Martians

Via Philipp, this post from A Small Victory: One day, maybe not too far off into the future, it will come to be known that the masters behind Google are actually aliens who have been using the search engine and all of its shadowy programs to learn about the…

Via Philipp, this post from A Small Victory:

One day, maybe not too far off into the future, it will come to be known that the masters behind Google are actually aliens who have been using the search engine and all of its shadowy programs to learn about the Earth and its inhabitants. And then we’re screwed.

6 thoughts on “I Knew It Was All About the Martians”

  1. I seem to recall reading recently that Mars is the closest to Earth that it’s been in like 20,000 years. Which means it’s the perfect opportunity for us to invade Mars. See, all these scandals in Washington are really just a distraction to keep us from noticing all the battle plans being drawn up. 😉

  2. and “battelle” is an innocently playful code word for the looming battle?

    It’s all starting to fit together!

    Luckily, we saw this coming all along here in the Bush regime. We’ve been preparing the response with what looks like a lame media buyout involving “myspace” (heh, note the not so subtle brand retort!)…and you thought the presidential elections were really won by Bush? HA! Our fearless inventor will return and command the sss winmail.

  3. The last time that happened, Noah had to build an Ark? Anybody seen Noah in Home Depot lately… or maybe Lowe’s?

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