2 thoughts on “EFF Sues FCC”

  1. It’s also critical that startup CEOs sign the FCC comments protesting the Broadcast Flag Mandate that publicknowledge.org is submitting in 2 days. The Mandate will make most HDTV products subject to FCC regulatory approval on a feature-by-feature basis and make open-source HDTV products illegal. It is a risk that other product sectors will follow HDTV products into that regulatory nightmare.

    If you run a company that has a vested interested in keeping the FCC out of software regulation, please take a look at http://dc-tech.publicknowledge.org AND email Sarah Brown, sbrown_AT_publicknowledge.org, TODAY.

  2. Yes, suing is what happen _after_ you loose in the policy arena.

    Everyone loves lawsuits, because they get to sit back and watch the lawyers do all the work–but it’s _much_ more strategic for the interested parties to get involved in the policy process.

    One easy way to do this NOW is to you have your technology company sign onto our FCC filing. Many innovative tech companies have already signed, but we need more.

    Please email me at sbrown@publicknowledge.org if you’d like to sign, or have contacts at companies that might want to sign.

    The deadline is this Monday.

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